Master Your Goals 

Goal setting can be a frustrating process for the majority of people, especially for people like me who happen to be perfectionists with incredibly high expectations. This approach of goal setting may not be the most conducive to achieving long term goals. In this blog we’ll discuss the difference between mastery and performance goals andContinue reading “Master Your Goals “

The Goal Hierarchy 

When setting goals, many people solely focus on one or two major goals they’d like to accomplish no matter how broad or specific those goals may be. In a recent Stronger By Science podcast episode, Eric Trexler and Greg Nuckols discuss a newly studied way of setting goals through a goal hierarchy. In this 3-tieredContinue reading “The Goal Hierarchy “

New Year New Goals

Now that the new year has finally arrived, many people have set out to make new year’s resolutions in hopes of changing their current circumstances. Many people set courageous and audacious goals that involve quitting behaviors that no longer serve them anymore. While this is a very ambitious and admirable task, another way of approachingContinue reading “New Year New Goals”

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