How to Get in Shape Without a Gym Membership

Having a gym membership is helpful but not necessary to achieve a high standard of fitness. The lockdown mandates imposed upon us during the start of the pandemic brought about many creative ways to maintain and even increase physical fitness both aerobically and anaerobically with at-home and outside workouts. In this blog post I’ll shareContinue reading “How to Get in Shape Without a Gym Membership”

Why Boxing Is THE BEST Cardio Exercise 

If I’m being genuine, the title of this post is most-definitely clickbait. The true best form of cardio is the one you can chronically stick with in order to reach your health and fitness goals. Research can suggest that bobsledding is the best form of aerobic exercise but you’d never catch me doing it simplyContinue reading “Why Boxing Is THE BEST Cardio Exercise “

What to Expect When Hiring a Personal Trainer

The title of this blog post should actually be changed to “What to Expect When Hiring a Good Personal Trainer.” Unfortunately, not all personal trainers are created equal because the process of acquiring an education to become one is not standardized. Technically, anyone with a spare grand of cash and fairly decent memorization and testingContinue reading “What to Expect When Hiring a Personal Trainer”

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